Summerby Mattresses - The Smart Choice
What is the delivery cost?
Delivery is FREE on all orders.
How long does delivery take?
You should have delivery of your mattress within 2-3 working days of placing your order. If there are any unexpected delivery delays we will be in touch to make you aware.
How do I track my order?
When your order is dispatched you will receive an email notification to inform you. You should also receive notification from our delivery partner, DHL, complete with all the relevant tracking information.
Can I change my delivery address?
If your order has not yet been dispatched we are able to amend your delivery address. Once the order is out for delivery with our courier we are unable to amend any details.
I bought through a retailer and have an issue with my order. What do I do?
Please contact the retailer directly to discuss any issues you have with your order. Unfortunately, we are unable to resolve issues ourselves for orders that are not purchased directly through our website.
Can you take my old mattress away?
To keep our delivery costs to a minimum we do not offer this service. Your local council may be able to assist with the disposal of your old mattress.
Will my mattress arrived rolled?
Yes, all Summerby Sleep mattresses are rolled and packaged in a box for easy delivery.
Do you allow returns?
Please check our Returns Policy for all our returns information.
Do you offer a trial period?
To keep our prices as low as possible, we cannot offer a trial period on our mattresses. This will provide you with a significant cost saving.

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